Dear Andrew Messick and the Ironman team, Your most loyal participants dream of racing in Kona – many train countless hours, sacrifice precious time away from family and friends for the chance to qualify. For those lucky few that do end up qualifying and racing, they tend to train even…
How To Start A Triathlon Team, With Every Man Jack’s Ritch Viola March 22, 2016 /Posted in Triathlete /By Felt Marketing /Leave comment How To Start A Triathlon Team, With Every Man Jack’s Ritch Viola Ritch Viola is the…
Team EVERY MAN JACK training camp 2016 After Christmas is generally a bit tough for me with the lack of vitamin d , so naturally the Every Man Jack training camp is something to look forward to. This year it was in Las Vegas, moved from San Diego the previous…
Triathlete and coach Paul Duncan explains the benefits of FTP testing. “One of the most popular discussions I hear among triathletes involves the importance of FTP testing. Regular FTP testing is something I conduct with all of my athletes.” What is FTP? Functional Threshold Power is the maximum power an athlete can…

EMJ Camp 2016: Las Vegas Training camp in Las Vegas was amazing and definitely the best of the three I’ve been to. For starters, I didn’t crash like last year, so that instantly made camp 1 billion times better. Training camp, for me, isn’t about the training; it’s more about the…